Problems such as gender and race imbalance in the professional world can seem overwhelming. While some outstanding, committed individuals and organizations dedicate their lives to improving the situation of minorities, it is difficult to see how we as individuals can make a difference.
This site presents ideas for simple actions that you can take in your daily life. Each of these actions may seem like minor help, but if thousands or even millions of people start doing them, they will have a major impact.
Please consider using some of the ideas below in your daily life. Share these "Tweetable Tips" with your social network. Follow and like our social pages. And send us your own ideas for minor help that can have a major impact!
This site presents ideas for simple actions that you can take in your daily life. Each of these actions may seem like minor help, but if thousands or even millions of people start doing them, they will have a major impact.
Please consider using some of the ideas below in your daily life. Share these "Tweetable Tips" with your social network. Follow and like our social pages. And send us your own ideas for minor help that can have a major impact!
Tweetable Tips: Click any of the tips to Tweet it!
- Offer a minority you know introductions into your professional network (suggested by Janet Balis)
- Retweet and favorite tweets by minority authors (inspired by @anildash)
- Check the list of people you follow and make sure it is minority-balanced
- Find new people to follow who are minorities
- Follow @minorhelp on Twitter
- Follow and like Minor Help on Facebook
- Follow blogs and other sources that discuss minority issues
- If you see an article about race/gender or minority issues, make time to read it and share it
- If planning an event, make sure it has a balanced representation (speakers, panelists, ...)
- If you are going to an interesting event or talk, invite along someone from a minority group
- When you are at a conference, attend sessions about race/gender minority issues
- When attending a conference, look for sessions/panels with minority speakers
- Champion/mentor someone in a minority at work or in your professional life
- Join a group or organization that supports minorities in the professional world (suggested by Janet Balis)
- Ask yourself how you have been an erasist today (read by @leayu)
- Donate money to a cause you like that supports minorities in the professional world